new job.
dual monitors.
[The term comes from the
Greek α- (
a-) meaning "without" and στίγμα (
stigma), "a mark, spot, puncture]
I need glasses.
I stare at a screen all day. two actually.
with astigmatism... in photography terms...
it's like looking through a lens and not being able to have a sharp focus.
not 100% y'kno?
from the recommendation of my mom , i went to eyeglass world.
exam: 40.
retina photos: 20.
I did my prelim tests with a tech: puff of air in the eye, look at the house in the distance; blinding light [twice].
went into another room to wait for eye doctor for part 2 of exam.
..... in walks in Dr. Rachel Kain.
She's the most attractive optometrist that has ever examened me.
... .you guys know me.. and know that i'm outspoken.
I say, "wow, you're young to be a doctor" {she couldn't have been a year older than me}
She attested that she knew all of the studying involved with college and wanted to be done with it ASAP.
my respect for her broke the meter and I was somewhat captivated by her beauty and high level of ambition.
to check my eyes she had to get in my grill... and it was pretty awesome.. haha. i was so close to such a hot... doctor.. she checked my eyes one at a time... shining a light in my eye as I looked to the side.
my eyes "are healthy".
to carry a conversation... and ask about a question i filled out on the survey..
i asked her... "what's a floater?"
i normally don't see floaters in my eye(s) unless it's bright light and my eyes are closed.
i've seen em before
even seen a bit on family guy about it.
so... since i was in the presence of a professional who has devoted
a portion of her life to this...
i asked her.
i was kinda glad i asked her something to spark conversation. she could have said they were mutant ants designed to hatch in the eye and eat the brain and it wouldn't have mattered...
however, to paraphrase it's something that's literally floating in your eye.
i read the line.... T C V E D.
dude... i'm 20/20!!!!!!!!!!
i have 20/20 vision!!!!!!
In my opinion..... i have crappy vision...
but it's only because of my astigmatism that i don't see as best i can...
"which is better: 1 or 2?
"three or four?
"or about the same?"
that continued on for about 5 minutes.
until... both eyes were fine tuned.
i got 2 frames fro $78 bucks. benefits havent' kicked in so i had to pay out of pocket.
i'll use all of the above as a tax write off though... so i know i'll get my money back. [woot to my tax preparer!]
i've been wearing my glasses the entire time i've been blogging this and i must say that my vision is rather nice right now... it's pretty awsm. Gloria Dios!
as a photographer... it's like looking at a focused imaged through my lens.