this blog is going to be a little more special than the others b/c
it not only deals with disc golf
but about friends that came from out of town
to play the sport with me.
when i was out in Haiti.. i met an awesome man of God from Crossroads church in Valdosta, Georgia named Chris V. (pictured center below)
after the trip i really started getting into disc golf more and more...
Chris, who plays as well, noticed that i was making these postings...
...and commented on how he knew the courses that i play in town etc.
i was like.. "man that's awesome..
we should play whenever you're in town... etc"
... sure enough..
Chris DID come to town!
and he brought his OWN portable disc golf hole with him!!!
this thing is super legit
and i was dumbfounded by it when
he first put it together in my yard.
now you guys saw my previous post on how i
well.. needless to say...
this thing def put my measely po-dunk hole to shame.
i live on 2 acres and we immediately began practicing driving/putting in my yard.
the will to play was so strong i was like...
We hit it up and played either 18 or all of the 24 holes on the course.
if you haven't been out there... Ed Austin park is BEAUTIFUL.
in my head i think it's Narnia.
on one of the holes.. Chris gets the idea to do a little tree climbing..
which reminds me of this video of my roommate.
Chris also brought his buddy from Valdosta, LEVI!
this was Levi's second time (or so) playing.. and he did well.
this was right about the time where the fires were starting.
afterwards i hosted a small dinner at my house
about 6 of my friends showed up.
i had the idea of having communion at dinner.
it was LEGIT!
i took this BEYOND serious
turned off the lights, lit a candle,
and asked my buddy Chris to read from Luke 22
about the last supper where Jesus initiated what we now know as..
15 And he said to them,
“I have eagerly desired
to eat this Passover
with you
before I suffer.
16 For I tell you,
I will not eat it again
until it finds fulfillment
in the kingdom of God.”
17 After taking the cup,
he gave thanks and said,
“Take this and divide it among you.
18 For I tell you
I will not drink again
from the fruit of the vine
until the kingdom of God comes.”
19 And he took bread,
gave thanks
and broke it,
and gave it to them, saying,
“This is my body given for you;
do this in remembrance of me.”
we then broke bread and ate...
20 In the same way,
after the supper
he took the cup, saying,
“This cup
is the new covenant
in my blood,
which is poured out for you.
we then drank wine...afterwards... lights back on...
we grubbed. joked around..
it was awesome.
when i knew that Chris was actually coming..
the Holy Spirit gave me the notion to have dinner like that..
and have communion...
and... something else extra special.
about a week before this..
i went to my parents' house
and found my old drawing paper booklet. (18x24")
the Holy Spirit gave me this idea
(which has probably been done at many retreats
...because i've done it before)
... to write down what may be
a "thorn in your side"
something that's really troubling you in life.
the 6 of us.. wrote down our afflictions
and rolled the paper up into a tube.
this part is so awesome..
we then..
..the 6 of us..
..stood around the fire...
...held up our rolled up paper
in knight-like fashion.
i then light our papers on fire..
we then proceed to light a bonfire.
the next morning..
Chris, Levi, & I
went to the Servant Warriors Ministry breakfast
at Chic-Fil-A on Southside blvd
(each and every tuesday morning at 6:30 am)
we wore these shirts as we arrived in Haiti
as we partnered with LOVE-A-CHILD inc,
Afterwards, the 3 of us got down to business
and played disc golf on the new course off Baymeadows.
This new course is very large and tricky.
Par 3's, 4's, and 5's!!!!
The course itself is fairly new
and a lot of landscaping had to be done to accomodate the holes.
With that being said... trees were cut down
the greens were mowed
and native animals emerged
this turtle had to be about a foot and a half long.
I was like... 'Levi.... put your foot on it.. i'll take a picture!'
we then proceed and to our amazement....
this time about half the size...
"Levi, pick it up!... i'll take another picture!!!"
let's just say.. he scared the piss out of it.... LITERALLY!
(side note... about a week later.. i found this empty turtle shell on the same course)
it's HUGE!
Chris really came in town to get some camping gear.he's like the official missions extraordinaire at Crossroads.
he JUST got back from a mission trip to Hawaii right before he came to see me.
i had to satisfy my curiousity and try out those finger toe shoes...
kinda weird... kinda comfortable.
if you've been to my house... you've seen my portable hammock...
well.. this one puts mine to shame!
Chris tries out the product before he buys..
Levi goes up the 'down' escalator...
.. and then.. we hit the BEACH! (with the portable hole)
in theory.. going to the beach with a portable disc golf hole sounds awesome
in actuality.. it was super windy out that day...
BUT... these female disc golf enthusiast saw us throwing and decided to come over and throw.
... if you've ever played... disc golf is rather competitive.
so we up'd the ante on just throwing to the target
and broke into teams to play a game of H-O-R-S-E.
Levi & I
Chris and the Girls.
(Chris is extremely good by the way.. the girls were rather amateur.. Levi & I are decent)
with that being said...
we had to come up with CRAZYYY ideas so that chris's ultra awesome skills wouldn't prevail.
just WATCH : P
9 times out of 10
when i hit the beach
i'll hit up OHANA!
talk about delicious
Chris, just getting back from Hawaii said...
it smells like Hawaii in here..
to where ms. Cindy replies, "everyone says that"
they couldn't contain the deliciousness that is 'OHANA'
to where Ms. Cindy kinda helped Chris slaughter Levi..
Chris vowed to return to play Ms. Cindy.
"THAT'S A HUGE MIRROR!" (if I had a dollar...)
we then rode back to my house
i had to take pictures at a rehearsal for the GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER
and the guys made their way back to Valdosta.
that was seriously some of the best fellowship of my life...
thanks Chris/Levi
yall are awesome.