This stage in my life has been feeling like that lately.
What is opposition?
For me it's things keeping me from my goals and/or destiny.
Having God on my side and his blessing pouring out on me has definitely been making the impossible possible.
A co-worker of mine saw me ushering at Celebration and asked about it at work the following monday. he's engaged. about my age and is moving into a new direction in his life. he's interested in serving but didn't really know who to ask or where to begin. wanting to first speak with the pastor before making any decisions I was able to make the meet and greet happen thanks to Tarik (PSW's assistant and friend of mine). It's mind-blowing how God's using me (ex-sinner) to reach out to people.
If you think you have no use for the kingdom of God think again....
we all have talents, gifts, and abilities.
you snooze you lose.
correction: ex-hardcore sinner. ;)