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Tuesday, December 11, 2012



When did we as a people come to know everything there is to know about everything there is to know?

Through various technological resources (i.e., the Internet) there is a phenomenon known as globalization that seems to be putting the world on one accord – one way or another. When I think of how radical it is that millions (billions?) of people can relate or think of the same topics day by day at the same time, I’m mystified at the Intel and power that takes.  Immediately, my mind wanders to the spirit realm.  Through the word of God and my imagination led by the Holy Spirit, my mind gains access to the forces behind this world movement.

In the book of Deuteronomy (3:11) there was a giant by the name of Og (King of Bashan). His bed was made of iron ~ natural truth and was measured over 13 foot long and 6 foot wide.

Revelation 12:4 – the Red Dragon
His tail swept [ drew KJV]
~~Drew [syrO {su-Ro} σρω – to draw, drag – of one before the judge, to prison, to punishment]
 A third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.
1/3 of the angels have joined forces with the prince of darkness
2/3 (if not more) angels are still on the Lord’s side.

Satan is called the prince of the powers of the air. Jesus is called the prince of peace.
The tail represents inferiorityThe head = superiority, leadership.
Stars represents the angels.

Luke 10:18 – Jesus told the disciples, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Genesis 6:2 NLT The Sons of God (Angels) saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives. KJV 4.) There were GIANTS in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men & they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Ephesians 6:12 KJV- For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against POWERS against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

There's so much that's against us in the natural and the supernatural.
In Revelation 10 there is an angel mentioned great and mighty,
clothed with a cloud,
rainbow (God’s covenant with the earth) upon his head.
Face like the sun.
Feet like pillars of fire.
Right foot in the sea.
Left foot on the earth.
Voice that roars like a lion.
Summons the seven thunders.
Imagine a being in your mind with that capacity to stand on the sea and land.
It's probably taller than 100 feet!
If there is mention of a mighty angel that's larger than life (in size) that's a part of the 2/3 on the side of the lord, imagine the variety of demons (in size & power) that operate on the earth in the spirit realm beyond the naked eye.
Ephesians 6:12 (For we wrestle not...)
Through world news, local and global news, citizens can see demons of terrorism stomping about the earth - mindless killings, sex trafficking, dictators, etc.
The word "drew" in Revelation 12:4 implies dragged for punishment as if it was without consent.
Imagine once being an angel of God, made for his perfect and pleasing will, then all of a sudden you're abducted by a tyrant that draws you away from your original intent.
Friends, there is a war raging with souls lying in the balance.
God, the father, has good & perfect gifts for his children. The windows of heaven DO open and blessings ARE poured out. However, there is great opposition between heaven and earth that delays the process - in the spirit realm.
A way to speed up the receipt of these blessings depends on the believer.
Hebrews 11:6 without faiths it's impossible to please God.
Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the POWER of the tongue.
The Hebrew symbol for fear is PAHHAD [shaking].
It represents a mouth that is closed behind a door.
If you are not declaring God's goodness, meditating on his word, praying to Him, receiving his love, guarding your mind and your words you open yourself up to the spiritual minority whose sole goal is to destroy you.
It's that simple... SIDE WITH THE LORD!
Does that mean that this life will be easy?
With giants walking about, certainly not!
John 16:33 Jesus "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!
(Greek - nikaO, nE ka O) to CONQUER - to carry off the victory come off victorious)

Revelation 19:11 - And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful & true, and in righteousness he does judge and make war. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. 14. And the Armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses. 16. and on his robe and his thigh was written this title:



Thursday, November 1, 2012

My first worship set as a singer.

     Before my trip to Zimbabwe, I auditioned to be a worship leader - singer. The song that I chose to sing You'll Come by Hillsong. I feel that I have been given the gift of singing, but I haven't really had any type of fine-tuning with my voice. I felt my nerves get the best to me while auditioning.
     On singing competition, judges tend to tell a contestant that they sound "pitchy". I TOTALLY heard my voice get pitchy while auditioning, however, I closed my eyes and just resumed singing to the Lord.  Ultimately, the gift prevailed and I was given the thumbs up.

     The International House of Prayer in Jacksonville, Florida is a slice of the pie of the original Kansas City location. The location in Jacksonville has worship sets 4 nights a week (minimum). My first worship set was on a Tuesday night (10/30). I was one of the three antiphonal singers as well as a lead musician who was singing on keys.There was a guy playing acoustic and singing. There was a drummer, bass player, rhythm guitar, harmonica player, and flute/sax player. 9 in total!!!

   The experience altogether was awesome! I felt such peace, God's love, peace, and positive conviction of my shortcomings. It was a true other worldly experience. The set started at 8pm and ended at 10 pm. In the beginning, I was intimidated about the entire experience, but when we began in corporate worship, my nerves vanished. The vocal confidence that I had all along surfaced and I was being totally used by God. The two hours went by in a flash - a true snapshot of heaven! I honestly didn't want the experience to end and had a hunger to keep going!

     Anticipation for the next worship set is growing. Time will tell where this gift will take me. 
Proverbs 18:16 - A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Trip review:

Our outreaches included but weren’t limited to> Children’s orphanages, rural hut villages, sick and elderly visits, elementary school feedings, men’s group sessions, cultural wedding, remote worksite ground preparation, sponsored children meetings, Sisterhood mother/daughter dinner, pastoral meetings and multi-campus services.


The orphanage children were held, loved on and played with. The time spent with these kids was very heart felt by the team but was invaluable to those sweet children. Their stories of abandonment and abuse are unspeakable but the orphanage that cares for them is a good place. They are currently maxed out at 25 kids. If you want to help > www.ourheighbors.org

The rural hut villages are where we found people in need of prayer and hope. They are living with drought and a lack of food. Some have chronic illness, Some are very old but all needed to know they have a Father who cares about them.

The sick and elderly could be found anywhere we went providing a plentiful mission field. Prayer and time bundled with a few words of kindness did so much to lift their emotions. Those with faith were encouraged to press on, those without gained hope.

The school feedings are where we saw children with tattered clothing sometimes 3rd or 4th generation “hand me downs” and NO shoes. It’s a federal law that requires kids to have a uniform for school or they are forbidden to attend. 1 out of 2 kids have proper clothing. 1 out of 8 have never had shoes. All were afraid to touch a “white person” due to the teachings of tribal witch doctors. Once they saw we weren’t going to hurt them > games of tag and tickle broke out, high five hand slaps were everywhere, Soccer game had 100 + kids playing, every team member had a swarms of smiling faces surrounding them. We learned the details of the feeding program that Celebration does every day for 30,000 kids. I’ve attached a picture. They call it porridge and it’s like oatmeal with vitamins. This one school has 800 kids they feed every day with no spoons.

The men’s group session was a great opportunity to encourage the men as leaders in the church, their families and their community. Our team spoke into their lives about being warriors, perseverance and love. Every man there took away a word that was meant just for him. Very powerful. They are about to embark on the 300MEN so timing on this was perfect.

The cultural wedding gave us the opportunity to learn new customs but more importantly to be the ambassadors we were sent to be. Why is that important? No matter where you go or what you do…. Someone is always watching. Whether we want to admit it we set the pace for our brothers and sisters. When we do the right thing it helps others to do the same.

The remote worksite was a new piece of property that Celebration Zim is preparing for a new campus. Ground breaking was already underway with a footer trench dug for the foundation. We prayed over the site and claimed the building would be too small to hold the church members in Christ’s name. We also worked digging trenches for wiring a security light on a light pole at another property soon to be another Celebration campus. This also has a chain link perimeter fence that we painted with aluminum paint. Our team work ethic and willingness went far.

The sponsored children meetings were part of the Mission of Mercy child sponsorship program that Celebration partners with in Zimbabwe. This gave team members the opportunity to meet their child, share gifts and bond even closer. Very touching. Tears were shed when we said goodbye.
It’s priceless experience to see the person, who you are helping change the course of their life.

The Sisterhood mother/daughter dinner was a smash success as Lynn Wilson spoke to mothers and daughters alike encouraging them to embrace the inner Lioness in each woman. God loves His daughters and this opportunity surely poured into the lives of the Sisterhood.

The Pastoral meetings provided the team with a good look into the operations of true servants. We learned so much about the church’s intense focus on connecting with God each day for direction and guidance. It was a fresh reminder of what we can take for granted sometimes. It spoke to us in many ways.

The Multi-campus services provided the team with a variety of worship opportunities and flavors. Seeing how someone else “does it” can be a real growth/stretching experience. I think we all took away something regardless if this was your first time or if you’d been there before. It also gave us the chance to give offerings to those locations for God’s work to move forward. 

We had a spiritually and experience packed 10 day trip as you can see.
Some secondary opportunities we had were visiting the ancient Zimbabwe ruins, Riding the Savanna seeing wild animals and staying on a mountain top resort.

If you ever thought about going on a mission trip…… I would highly recommend it.

This trip was worth every penny and every moment was spent to do it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Z I M B A B W E [ ! ]

     The opportunity, for myself, to go to Zimbabwe on a mission trip means everything to me. Growing up, my life was filled with turmoil, strife, abuse, confusion, you name it. My late teens/early 20's were filled with substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, and debauchery. By grace, I found Celebration church and was able to receive and understand fundamental truths to walking with Jesus. Those truths helped me break free from guilt, shame, and condemnation.
     I wish I could say that having these positive revelations happened overnight; however, years of wrong thinking had to be reversed.
     My life began in Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, California. Not much is remembered about my early life on the west coast. We moved to Orlando, Florida. Then to the land of the rising sun: Japan – Misawa, to be exact. Being raised in a military home, my parents weren’t always emotionally available. I was in gifted classes at an early age. There weren’t too many black children in gifted classes. That being said, I wasn’t always accepted by most black kids. I really wasn’t fully accepted by non-black kids either – because I wasn’t of their race. The feeling I had growing up was always that of ‘being in the middle’.
     My brother is five years older than I am and is my only sibling. We never really got along in our adolescent years. Ever. Being a “Navy brat” I was always provided for but suffered sexual abuse growing up by a non-immediate family member. A genius mind, abuse, isolation, and no outlet made growing up bewildering.
     Being raised in a military family has its ups and downs. You get to see the world, at the cost of moving every three years. Always being the new kid got annoying, played out, and downright brutal. Moving to a new school and having to put your ‘best face forward’ was just part of the package of being a military kid. I guess I learned how to be a good actor at an early age. Being a ‘yes man’ and always pleasing people became a trade that I mastered. Humor became a great defense.
     When my dad finally retired from the military in Jacksonville, I relished in the opportunity to finally make friends. However, since I never really had friends I just kept the same routine of pleasing everybody and being everybody’s friend. Show me the social circle and I could infiltrate it somehow. I was ‘Mr. Everybody’.
     That social position totally backfired on me in my college years. The shadow of my childhood abuse seemed to rear its ugly head around that time. Plus, there were family and love derailments that got ‘Mr. Everybody’ mixed with the wrong crowd. Sex, drugs, and alcohol became my good friends during that time in my life. Those temporary pleasures seemed to numb my guilt, shame, and condemnation of a train wreck that my life became. Blaming the man in the mirror for controllable and uncontrollable failures seemed to be my mantra.
     Mind you, from the time that my family lived in Jacksonville, we went to church. By the time my life was in this downward spiral I was already attending a second church from the traditional Southern Baptist church that my parents joined to a more radical (majority black) Non-denominational church. I learned the importance of tithing and was taught about spiritual warefare. My life at its worst time was very ‘hokie-pokie’: one foot in the church and one foot in the clubs. I was passionate about both but didn’t belong to either affiliation. A boat without a rudder. A sheep without a shepherd. Spinning out of control.
Through providential circumstances I was introduced to Celebration Church.
“The truth will set you free” – John 8:32
     Through Celebration Church I learned fundamental truths to the Christian faith that have given me a brand new lease on life. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. The urge to stop living for myself began to grow in me and I began serving in the church. In 2010, I had the life-changing opportunity to go to Haiti. Everything changed in my life. All the excuses, all of the blaming myself, and all of the negativity that I was holding on to began to dissolve away.
     Seeing impoverished Haitians living in tents and mud huts was staggering. There were more amputees in a 10 mile radius (due to the earthquake) than I have ever seen in my whole life. It really does take getting outside of your own life to be able to see the big picture. That doesn’t mean living in denial of your own personal issues. Rather, breaking the cycle of hurt, giving up luxuries to spread love, and helping those whose lives instantly manage to help you appreciate and accept your difficulties.
Revelations 12:11 says that you will overcome in life by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. That simply means accepting Jesus, His sacrifice, and including Him in your life’s story.
     The trip to Zimbabwe will be huge for me. My parents were there for all that I have mentioned above about my life going downhill. However, they didn’t know about the abuse and all of the emotional factors that lead me down that path. My plan is to write them a letter and mail it to them before the trip explaining the ‘why behind the what’.  That alone will give me closure with my family as our relationship rifted apart over the years and they never knew why. Feeding nearly 10,000 orphans and helping the local church will be above and beyond blessings for me.
     Overly ambitious by nature, I put my name in the hat for this trip back in January. After experiencing such a transformational trip to Fond Parisien, Haiti, I caught the missionary bug again and wanted to go to ‘the Motherland’. The cost of going on this trip is in the $4000 range. My childlike faith is what has driven me this whole year – and what a year it has been. God has definitely tested my faith to the max. Doors, in the form of jobs, have opened and closed. I type this blog post, sober, celibate, and drug free. To me, those three attributes are MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS for me in my life!
     It has taken me nearly 20 years and the grace of God for me to have the confidence to share my life’s story from a victory perspective. I can finally look in the mirror and like the man that I see. Being next to broke this entire year has made me fully dependent on God and his provision to go on this trip.  Legitimate friendships have been made. I have brothers that I can share my deepest and most dark secrets with who love and pray for me without judgment. My church family has accepted me dearly and that ‘in the middle’ feeling that I have always felt is being used for God’s glory.
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 - Though I am free and belong to no one,
I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.
To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.
To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.
I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

      I am about $1000 shy of my fundraising goal and really need your help. ANY SIZE DONATION helps. Below is a link to my PayPal where you can send a donation or tax-deductible gift of a check payable to Celebration Church of Jacksonville with Reggie Taylor/ 6236-48 in the memo: 10302 Deerwood Park Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32256.

     Here is a video that I put together from my time in Haiti:

I believe that this trip to Zimbabwe and the lessons that I have been learning leading up to departure will give me new revelation of self and more importantly of God Himself!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we
ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him by the
glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever!
Ephesians 3:20
God Bless,




It's hard to rate or review this movie with a year of Avengers and Dark Knight. The villain is man's corruption and greed in the form of a cop. With New York City as the backdrop, a bike merchant (Levy) is commissioned on ride of a lifetime as he has to deliver a very important and dangerous package.

     This film definitely showcases the danger of being a bike merchant. However, that's about all the action that this movie has to offer. I used to say that I hated bad acting. Now I realize that it's not the actors fault - it's the writers. This screenplay seems to be another excuse to make a movie that doesn't really have much social relativism other than a mother's love.

     During a bike chase through central park, Levy is riding his bike high speed through smoke. A lady sitting next to me said, "That's so 80's!". I actually got a bigger laugh out of that than most of the movie. She really wasn't too fond of Dania Ramirez's acting ability, but again, it's not the actor's fault.

     The entertainment factor was about 6/10.

Would I pay to see this in theaters? No.
Would I Redbox this film? Outlook not so great.

Sorry kids.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Reggie Taylor
Jacksonville, FL

Honestly, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel alone are worth seeing this movie.

Have you ever had a crazy dream??
One that you knew for sure felt so real?
Colin Ferrell's character sure does...

In a semi-apocalyptic world,
only two territories at opposite ends of the earth remain.
They are connected by a part public transit,
part theme park ride called "The Fall".

Douglas (Ferrell) is a factory worker that eats redunancy everday.
He's troubled by a reocurring dream
and his wife (Beckinsale) does the best she can to reason with him.

The allure of 'Rekall' gives him the hope of something better than the life he's living.
Through a dead end job and wanting more

[Play Foreign Beggars from the movie soundtrack]
{this song is played as Colin Ferrell's character goes to Rekall}

Once in Rekall, Douglas cautiously fancies the escapism of the program.
Once the option of secret spy comes up, he chooses that,
and the rollercoaster ride begins.

Action on top of action on top of stunt on top of stunt!
You'll definitely feel like a nervous wreck through half of the film.

The imaginative technological advancements in this film
will make you wish we had such luxuries.
[Flying Chryslers and Hand phones??]

This movie may not have had the hype of Dark Knight,
but you'll definitely get your money's worth.

There were many negative critics of this film.
I try to focus on the positives more than anything.

Would I pay to see this in theaters? YES
Would I pay to see it again in theaters? NO.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dark Knight RISES Movie Review

Reggie Taylor
Jacksonville, FL

First of all, my heart goes out to the victims of the midnight screening shooting tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. That event was such a needless tragedy that has affected the whole nation by a mad man.
-Thoughts and prayers-

With the tragedy in Aurora
and the general hype of seeing this film,
there was mild paranoia of a copycat killer
simmering in the back of my head. 
Physical danger or death in seeing a film
are things that I have never really factored in before.
The combination of all those factors
gave me the feeling that you get
on the initial climb on a roller coaster.
It was an adrenaline rush like no other.
My adrenaline peaked during the previews!

As a photographer, I was gawking at the cinematography
and the full-frames shot specifically with an IMAX camera.
Kudos to Wally Pfister for his EYE-POPPING frames in this trilogy
and other well known movies [Inception, Italian Job].

There was a lot of feedback, good and bad,
about Tom Hardy's portrayal of the villain character Bane.
The character was animated as this HUGE freak of nature.
However, in my opinion,
his characterization in this film was definitely suitable for movie-goers.

Bane's character introduction was like none other.

Since Batman (Bale) took the fall for Harvey Dent's death
in the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne has been in hiding.
At one of Wayne's charity events on his estate
you get to meet Selina Kyle (Hathaway).
Selina, greatly enough, is a cat burglar.

What makes this movie so gripping is the relativity.
Chris Nolan really wrote a story in which most Americans can relate.
There were so many undertones of politics,
social issues like the occupy movement,
socialism, sustainability, and even terrorism.

Yes, Batman is a fictional character,
but what he stands for is more of a positive 'power to the people'.
On the flip side, Bane's character, is the antithesis.

When watching a film like Spider-Man,
one may get the feeling of watching a cartoon.
While watching Dark Knight,
there such a feeling of reality in these perilous times.

The Dark Knight Rises takes you to hell and back!
This film will definitely have you
on the edge of your seat, biting your nails,
or whatever nervous tendency that you might have.

In a word: MIND-BLOWING!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brush with DEATH

4 Seconds is all it took for life to go from ordinary to utterly disastrous.

1.... 2.... 3.... 4....


The Sunday started out highly common: I served at the 9:30 service at CELEBRATION CHURCH on camera and again at the 11:30 service on the roaming camera.

Directly after the service, I rushed to the new location of the church and took the tour of the nearly finished facility. Heather joined along with me.

     -the new facility will be a sight to see!-

Heather is one of my oldest friends at Celebration. 
We've known each other since middle school.

After the tour we got lunch and it started to storm. She's getting new furniture and needed help picking up a TV stand that she found on Craigslist. Heather drove. As we were en route to picking it up the rain was letting up a bit, yet she wasn't entirely sure where the destination was. After putting the address in the GPS we were led to Hodges blvd. Still not sure of the location, I advised Heather to pull off the road so that we can find exactly where we're going and conserve gas.

The rain was letting up a bit at this time.  As we pulled off Hodges, we were on a road to a subdivision. An SUV in an opposing lane was coming at us.... and the craziest four seconds of my life began.

1.... the SUV jumped the median.
2.... it hit a tree.
3... it tried to correct hitting another tree. 
4.... as if in slow motion.... almost like an ocean wave of car parts came barreling towards us. 

You know how in the movie Transformers when they would jump, break into little parts, and then reassemble as something different? It was like that... without reassembling. 

It was the most bizarre sighting I've ever witnessed. 

Pandemonium ensued. 

We literally couldn't believe our eyes.

Basic human instincts took over. 
Heather bolted out of the car. 
I was right behind her. 
"CALL 911!!!!! CALL 911!!!!!" I shouted.

Heather was HYSTERICAL! 
She couldn't finish talking to the 911 operator and handed me the phone. 
My previous experience as a lifeguard couldn't prepare me for such an occurrence. 

The front end of the vehicle was literally all over the road. 
All front and side airbags were deployed. 


The driver, a young female, was hanging out of the open driver side door under the front and side airbag. 
There was virtually no front seat space. She was pinned in. We (witnesses on the scene) don't believe that she was wearing her seat belt. 

She was clinging to life. Taking in breaths laboriously. 

Heather was hopefully optimistic that we witnesses would rectify the situation... "Why don't you just pull her out?! Can't you just give her mouth to mouth?! What's happening?!?!?!?
"It's not so simple... she's pinned in! Her neck could be broken." We exclaimed. 

Her body positioning was that of one in agony. 
Her nose, bleeding from the impact of the airbag. 
Lips... sliced. 
Eyes... vacant. 

She didn't make a sound. 

I paced uncontrollably. Heather frantically suggested that we pray for her. (There was so much despair in her voice.)

I honestly don't remember what I prayed.

The breaths were getting slower and slower... 
"Check her pulse" I suggested to Mr. Joe (an older man originally from New York).
"I can't find one.... she's starting to turn gray. That's not a good sign. It means she's not getting oxygen to her brain.

Many people showed up from neighboring homes and the condo subdivision nearby. 
Many called 911. 

Heather was pleading for rescue to come!
"What's taking them so long?!!
The three of us - Mr. Joe, Heather, and I -  were the primary witnesses.
We were with her in the end. 
 The car's battery was about 10 feet in front of where the vehicle laid. 

The front left wheel... across the street about 30 feet behind. 

The Nissan symbol ... by our car in the opposing lane. 

Tree bark and debris was all in the road towards our direction, as if shot out of a cannon. 

Closer towards the vehicle... baby sunglasses right outside the vehicle ... two of them. 

...apple juice. 

Engine... steaming.

We tried to piece together everything that happened. Who she was. Why this happened. 

Sirens could be heard in the distance... 
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Heather cried. 
I tried to console her as much as possible. 

Fire truck. 

"Why can't they just pull her out and give her CPR or something???!!!"
"It's not so simple Heather". 

They left as quick as they came. 
She was deceased. 

That was the only time I heard thunder. Heather lost it.

Police officers showed up and got our IDs for witness purposes.
Mr. Joe told us, since she was dead, fire rescue couldn't pull her out or do anything since the situation has now become a crime scene. 

News trucks showed up. 
"How are the news trucks here so fast?" she asked. "I'm not talking to them!"
We were roped off in the area with the debris, the three of us with the vehicle, and all the debris.

It was like being on an island with the outside world looking in. Many residents in the area lined the sidewalks. some kids were taking pictures with cell phone cameras. One jester of a child joked with his friends, "look how the airbags are all out like that!"

Another initial witness was across the street raising his hand in the way the deceased girl's hand was up mimicking her breathing patterns in an attempt to explain the brevity of the situation to a girl friend.

That moment was like being in a weird bubble.... A bubble permeable by rain.

Detectives rolled up in incognito Chevy trucks with  inconspicuous police lighting: one.. and then another about 5 minutes later. 

"I could never be a police officer. I don't know how they deal with this everyday" Heather expressed.

A fourth primary witness was in the roped-off area with us. He arrived right after the crash. 

Waiting and waiting. 

A police officer with a DSLR camera around his neck came strolling onto the scene of the "crime" with his hands behind his back observing everything before taking a single picture.

Heather was still in a frenzy. Meanwhile the other two male primary witnesses and myself were talking about sports. 

Venus. Mars. 

Perhaps our duty was done and to mentally cope in our waiting we allowed our minds to drift to lighter more common topics. 

Heather was ready to notify the family that we prayed for their daughter. (She's really sweet and caring like that). 

The two detectives began to question us one by one. 

First, the fourth witness... He's a baseball coach for 12 year-old boys and coached at JU. 

Then there were three. Heather, Mr. Joe, and I. While Heather was still unnerved, Mr. Joe (I'm assuming he was in his early 60's) consoled her by saying, "You were there for her in the end and that means a lot. At least somebody was there."

Next, Heather. 

Then there were two. Mr. Joe asked me about photography. He shared a real cool story of a  WWII photographer that took pictures on his father's ship and how he made the prints into a memorandum. 

The fourth witness came out and sequestered Mr. Joe to the detective. We shook hands and he dismissed himself. 

I stood there alone. 

Mr. Joe and Heather had umbrellas during this time as the rain was off and on. As they were questioned by the detectives they left them there on the grass in the median where we stood. The wind was blowing a bit and Mr. Joe's umbrella was blown around a bit. I closed his and the umbrella that Heather left.

I looked into the sky, closed my eyes, and prayed. 

Heather came out. My turn.

The older detective greeted me, informed me that he'll be recording what I say, and asked for me to give an account of the situation. 

I said my piece.

I noticed that he had a handmade wristband that said JACMEL on the front. 

Jacmel is a city in Haiti where mission teams from Celebration church have once gone before. 

I asked him about it and he began to tell me how he went with a team right after the earthquake. 

Small world. 

I walked towards Heather and said, "Let's get out of here"

There were three camera crews by this time. I rode with Heather on the way there... I drove us back. 

We barely spoke as we both replayed the accident in our minds. 

The event consumed her. 

I did my best to reason and rationalize with her. 

We arrived back at my car and shared a long hug goodbye. 

What's the point of this blog post. For me it's a release from the absolute horror of seeing someone die in such a terrible way.

I have no certainty of how the accident happened but Heather swore to never text and drive again. 

Heather found her name: Katherine McEwan.

I contacted a lot of friends to pray for Heather and I since we were both in complete shock. 

I've felt every negative emotion since Sunday and hope to never experience something like that again. 

Buckle up. Don't text and drive. Please be safe.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Avengers Movie Review

Avengers Movie Review
Reggie Taylor

If you're looking for more excitement in your life watch this movie.
As a fan of comics since childhood watching this movie was a pleasure.
Each super hero (minus Hawkeye- Renner) had their own movie leading up to Avengers: Hulk (Ruffalo), Iron Man (Downey Jr), Thor (Hemsworth), Captain America (Evans).
Parts of their movies and back stories appeared in Avengers.
Thor's brother Loki (Hiddleston) was able to enter earth's atmosphere by a omnipotent device known as the "Tesseract".
Soon thereafter, Loki reaps havoc and the call to action for the Avengers began.
The heroes came together either by the allure of Romanoff (Johansson) or the logistics of Fury (Jackson).
Everything that takes places thereafter is a clash of egos causing the group to miss the mark.
They'll have to get over themselves in order to fulfill the mission and save the world.
There is NO SHORTAGE of action in this movie!
Thor vs. Iron Man.
Black Widow vs. Hulk
The Avengers vs. the bad guys.
If you're thinking that you're going to sit through this movie without some type of commercial, then think again.
The product placement in this (and all major) blockbuster movie is evident: Dr. Pepper, Acura, and much more.
"Sign of the times" as my dad would say.
In the end, you'll walk away with hours of entertainment and a thirst for more.
Make sure you stay through the credits!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meat Cutting

Recently I was invited to take part
in preparing dinner for the homeless
at the Sulzbacher Center in downtown Jacksonville.
The task: slicing two (2) ten pound ham.

Just like in your local deli,
the meat slicer was used to execute this task.
It turns out that meat slicing is just like fist pumping.
...Fist pumping for food...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Erica bloopers :)

Our photo shoot was seriously fun.

We were dying laughing the whole time.

Definitely makes work more fun.