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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dark Knight RISES Movie Review

Reggie Taylor
Jacksonville, FL

First of all, my heart goes out to the victims of the midnight screening shooting tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. That event was such a needless tragedy that has affected the whole nation by a mad man.
-Thoughts and prayers-

With the tragedy in Aurora
and the general hype of seeing this film,
there was mild paranoia of a copycat killer
simmering in the back of my head. 
Physical danger or death in seeing a film
are things that I have never really factored in before.
The combination of all those factors
gave me the feeling that you get
on the initial climb on a roller coaster.
It was an adrenaline rush like no other.
My adrenaline peaked during the previews!

As a photographer, I was gawking at the cinematography
and the full-frames shot specifically with an IMAX camera.
Kudos to Wally Pfister for his EYE-POPPING frames in this trilogy
and other well known movies [Inception, Italian Job].

There was a lot of feedback, good and bad,
about Tom Hardy's portrayal of the villain character Bane.
The character was animated as this HUGE freak of nature.
However, in my opinion,
his characterization in this film was definitely suitable for movie-goers.

Bane's character introduction was like none other.

Since Batman (Bale) took the fall for Harvey Dent's death
in the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne has been in hiding.
At one of Wayne's charity events on his estate
you get to meet Selina Kyle (Hathaway).
Selina, greatly enough, is a cat burglar.

What makes this movie so gripping is the relativity.
Chris Nolan really wrote a story in which most Americans can relate.
There were so many undertones of politics,
social issues like the occupy movement,
socialism, sustainability, and even terrorism.

Yes, Batman is a fictional character,
but what he stands for is more of a positive 'power to the people'.
On the flip side, Bane's character, is the antithesis.

When watching a film like Spider-Man,
one may get the feeling of watching a cartoon.
While watching Dark Knight,
there such a feeling of reality in these perilous times.

The Dark Knight Rises takes you to hell and back!
This film will definitely have you
on the edge of your seat, biting your nails,
or whatever nervous tendency that you might have.

In a word: MIND-BLOWING!