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Sunday, September 5, 2010

cet fin de semaine

this was a different kind of weekend.
friday movie.
saturday devo, powderpuff pix , bbq, football, nap, football, then uneventfulness.
sunday spent all day in church.

fridays in jax typically suck. since... this city.... is not like major cities where there's always something to do.
i used to revel for fridays/saturdays b/c i partied ALL the time before 2010. however, it was almost like a zombie ritual that eventually left me jaded. to be honest, i'm numb when it comes to bars/clubs. guess a DUI will do that to ya. that's for another blog. i did chill with one of my best friends and it feels good to actually chill now. i feel like an old tightwad by not going out like i used to. but i'm saving so much more money. i'm not putting myself in jeopardy b/c sadly... i don't drink to unwind.....i drink to get drunk... so..... slowly but surely... im stopping to drink as much. my goal is to stop drinking by 2011.

since i stopped partying as much.. i haven't touched a cigarette this year. b/c.... i smoked when i drank. which is when i partied. however, since i barely party anymore, the drinking is beginning to subside.


if 5 of 7 days of the week are meant for work, saturday gives you that option of completing work for yourself (to-do list, oil change, etc). it's not necessarily a kick back kinda day unless you plan it to be. i woke up. went to devo (great msg in romans 14 about not judging. paul is the bomb. just don't judge people or become a stumbling block for your brother. i.e, inviting a recovering alcoholic to a wine tasting), took pix at a fundraising event for a missions trip to costa rica. chilled out. went to a bbq at marques/jada's, gave caccum this OLD pic with him and trask in a very eventful day way back when. gave jada disc from our photo shoot (pix soon). witnessed the awsm victories for FSU, UF, GA, AL. SEC is a boss right now.

church. ushered at 11 30. had lunch with kenny and yamnitz. went back to church. worked on 'focused VOICES' fan page<  invited friends. went to a meeting. got support. ushered at 5 30. received communion and passed out communion for the first time. however, having received communion many times, I was well familiar with communion, the process, and its meaning. Now that I'm an usher, I've received great satisfaction in what I do. I feel like a farmer planting seeds in a field.

I'll never forget the first couple of weeks that I ushered. It was like a magical feeling to be able to find people seats for church. Disney didn't pay me to say that. .... it just gave me the feeling of doing something that's bigger than me. I felt special because it made me feel valued and instantly gave me a feeling of honor. As a man, I feel that the feeling that I experienced all guys should experience. All men want to feel that they have a sense of honor, valor, integrity. If you don't go into the military, this feeling of honor would be a close second.

Yamnitz asked if i could cover for him at the 5 30 service. so i did. it's been a while since i've been to a 5 30 and kind of thought it would be same ol. it wasn't. sights and sounds are enhanced. what i wasn't prepared for (mentally) was communion. it's been a while since i've received communion (b/c it's offered at 530 and i don't usually go to that one). I didn't expect the heaviness of offering communion to people. A slower more moving song was being played at the time when communion began and the people came! Imagine that feeling of honor being amplified infinitely. I helped people take part in one of the oldest traditions a follower of Jesus could ever do. The very event superceded anything about who I was at that moment.

Very moving and powerful.

I came home, ate a plate spilling in protein: tilapia, chicken breast, polish sausage, hamburger. NO BREAD, NO SIDES, just protein (with some manzanillas here and there for diversity ;). watched 60 minutes. got online. networked. pix. blogged.

going to st. aug in the morning.
The End.

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